Hearing Loss

How do I know if I need hearing loss treatment?
Before we talk about hearing loss treatment and the signs of hearing loss, let’s take a moment and understand how we hear. The auditory system includes three parts: the outer, middle and inner ear. Sound enters the outer ear as a sound wave and travels down the ear canal. This causes the eardrum to vibrate. That vibration conducts the sound through the middle ear bones to the inner ear. There it stimulates nerve endings that send a signal to the brain. This signal is then interpreted as sound.
While that might seem complicated, this breakdown helps us identify the location and possible cause of hearing loss. This allows us to recommend specific solutions that can help improve your hearing. It’s also led to a better understanding of the link between hearing loss and dementia and how important early intervention is. To learn more about this link, be sure to check out this video by the Mayo Clinic.
Sensorineural or Conductive Loss?
Sensorineural Hearing Loss
Conductive Hearing Loss
Do I have a hearing loss?
Now that we understand the basics, how do we notice hearing loss in our everyday lives? Especially since we might not notice the problem ourselves? The following questionnaire has been adapted from a self-assessment tool created by the American Academy of Otolaryngology.
- Do people seem to mumble or speak in a muffled voice more than they used to?
- Any trouble hearing children speak?
- Do you feel tired or irritable after a long conversation?
- Have you withdrawn from social activities because it’s difficult to understand people?
- Do you sometimes miss key words in a sentence?
- Do you frequently need to ask people to repeat themselves?
- Any difficulty understanding the conversation in a crowded room?
- Do you turn the volume up on the TV or radio?
- Does background noise bother you or make it more difficult to hear?
- Is it sometimes hard to hear the conversation on the telephone?
- Do you sometimes not hear the telephone ring or someone calling you from another room?
- Are your family, friends or co-workers complaining about your hearing?
If you answered yes to one or more questions, it’s time to schedule a FREE hearing evaluation. Call us now at (440) 310-7037.